Agriculture & Natural Resources
AGAS: Livestock & Equine Mgmt Certificate
AGEH: Landscape Constr & Maint Certificate
AGEH: Landscape Design Certificate
AGWS: Enology Certificate
AGWS: Wine Cellar Worker Certificate
AGWS: Wine Hosp & Marketing Certificate
AGWS: Wine Marketing Certificate
Floral Design Certificate
Hemp Agriculture Certificate
Natural Resources Certificate
Pest Control Adviser Certificate
Sustainable Agriculture Certificate
Veterinary Technician Certificate
Viticulture Certificate - Apprenticeship Education
- Art
Administrative Assistant Certificate
Business: Accountant Assistant Certificate
Business: Banking and Lending Certificate
Business: Bookkeeper Certificate
Business: Enrolled Agent (Tax) Certificate
Business: Entrepreneurship Certificate
Business: Human Resources Certificate
Business: Management Certificate
Business: Marketing Certificate
Business: Real Estate Certificate
Business: Real Estate Sales Certificate
Business:Account Clerk/Payroll Certificate
Hospitality Management Certificate
Hospitality: Event Management Certificate
Paralegal Studies Certificate - Child Development
College Skills
Academic Prep: Math Certificate
Academic Preparedness: English Certificate
AE: Basic Computer Ops Certificate
AE: Carpentry Fundamentals Certificate
AE: Family Child Care Provider Certificate
AE: Financial Literacy Certificate
AE: Fire Resilient Landscaping Certificate
AE: Intro to Bldg & Constr Certificate
AE: Intro to Landscape Maint Certificate
AE: Intro to Landscaping I Certificate
AE: Intro to Landscaping II Certificate
AE: Personal Care Attendant Certificate
AE: Small Business Management Certificate
AE: Social Media for Business Certificate
AE: Starting a Small Business Certificate
AE: Tax Preparation Certificate
AE: Web-Based Tools & Appls Certificate
AE: Workforce Preparation Certificate
AE: Workplace Computer Ops Certificate
Basic Academic Skills Certificate
Educator Development Certificate - Communications Studies
Computer Studies
CS Adobe Apps Specialist Certificate
CS Adobe Illustrator Cert Certificate
CS Adobe InDesign Cert Certificate
CS Adobe Photoshop Entry Certificate
CS Adv Virtual Production RVPA Certificate
CS Applied Drone Operation Certificate
CS Cisco CCNA Cert Certificate
CS Commercial Drone Cert Certificate
CS Cybersecurity Certificate
CS Game Development Certificate
CS Graphic Design Certificate
CS Graphic Design Prod Fndmntl Certificate
CS Intro to Digital 3D Print Certificate
CS IT Support Certificate
CS Linux Administration Certificate
CS Linux Essentials Certificate
CS Microsoft Excel Certificate
CS Microsoft Office Specialist Certificate
CS Microsoft Word Certificate
CS Virtual Prod Fundamental Certificate
CS Web and Mobile Front-End Certificate
CS Web and Mobile Full-Stack Certificate
CS Web and Multimedia Certificate -
General Education Option A: Local Certificate
General Education Option B: CSU General Education Breadth Requirements Certificate
General Education Option C: Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculu Certificate
SWHS: Addiction Studies Certificate
SWHS: Advocacy Certificate
SWHS: Recovery & Acad Success Certificate - Culinary Arts
Engineering and Applied Technology
ArlRmotSnsng&Photogrammtry Certificate
Automation Fundamentals Certificate
Civil Engineering Technology Certificate
Constructn Managmnt Fundamntls Certificate
DM: 3D Modeling & Animation Certificate
Electronic Technolgy Fundmntls Certificate
Geospatial Technology Certificate
IndustrlMaintenanceFundamntals Certificate
Interior Design Certificate
Interior Design: Fundamentals Certificate
Interior Design: Technical Certificate
Mchtroncs:IndustrlMntnncTchncn Certificate
Mechatronics Fundamentals Certificate
Mechatronics Technician Certificate
Signal Technician Certificate
Surveying Technology Certificate
Wastewater Operator Certificate
Wastewater Treatment Operatns Certificate
Water Distribution Certificate
Water Treatment Certificate
Water Utility Operations Certificate - English for Multilingual Students
- Health Sciences
Industrial & Trade Technology
Advanced Manufacturing Tech Certificate
AMT: CNC Machining II Tech Certificate
AMT: Machine Tool Tech Certificate
AUTO Electrical Tech Certificate
AUTO Engine Machining Certificate
AUTO HVAC Tech Certificate
AUTO Powertrain Tech Certificate
Automotive Brakes and Chassis Certificate
Automotive Chassis Tech Certificate
Automotive Diagnostic Tech Certificate
Automotive Fundamental Certificate
Automotive MLR Tech Certificate
Automotive Powertrain Tech Certificate
Automotive Technology Certificate
Automotive Transmission Certificate
Autonomous Vehicle Certificate
DET Electrical Tech Certificate
DET Engine Tech Certificate
DET PMI Tech Certificate
Diesel Chassis (T4 and T5) Certificate
Diesel Equipment Technology Certificate
Diesel Power Train (T3) Certificate
Engine Machining Certificate
HVACR Fundamentals Certificate
Medium Heavy Truck Technology Certificate
MHT Chassis Tech Certificate
MHT Diagnostic Tech Certificate
MHT Foundation Tech Certificate
Weld: Flux Cored Arc: FCAW Certificate
Weld: Gas Metal Arc: GMAW Certificate
Weld: Gas Tungsten Arc: GTAW Certificate
Weld: Shielded Metal Arc: SMAW Certificate
Welding Technology Certificate -
Kinesiology, Athletics, & Dance
Dance: Choreography and Perfor Certificate
Dance: Foundations Certificate
Fitness and Health Coach Certificate
Pilates Apparatus Instructor Certificate
Pilates Comprehensive Instruct Certificate
Pilates Mat Instructor Certificate
Pilates Reformer Instructor Certificate
Yoga: 200-Hour Teacher Train Certificate - Music
Public Safety
Advanced Cardiac Life Support Certificate
Background Investigation Certificate
Basic Arrhythmia Recognition Certificate
Basic Police Officer Academy Certificate
Corrections Certificate
Corrections Officer Core Certificate
Emergency Medical Responder Certificate
Emergency Medical Technician Certificate
EMT Refresher Certificate
Fire Science - Company Officer Certificate
Fire Technology Certificate
Firefighter Academy Certificate
Juvenile Justice Certificate
Law Enforcement Certificate
Law Enforcement Supervisor Certificate
Paramedic Certificate
PC 832 Arrest Certificate
Probation Officer Basic Course Certificate
Public Safety Dispatcher Certificate -
Theatre Arts & Fashion
Fashion Design Certificate
Fashion Fundamentals Certificate
THAR: Adv. Rep. Theatre Certificate
THAR: Rep. Theatre Certificate
THAR: Theatre Mgmt Certificate
Theatre Arts: Acting Certificate
Theatre Arts: Costuming Certificate
Theatre Arts: Makeup Design Certificate
Theatre Arts: Stagecraft Certificate