BUILDING | Doyle Library (3F)
ROOM | #4420
TIME | 3:15pm-5:15pm
DAY | 2nd and 4th Mondays
ZOOM LINK | for the Public & Course Submitters 


  • Ann Foster, English Faculty
    Chair Appointed by Academic Senate
  • Josh Adams, Dean, Academic Affairs
    Chair by Position



NOTE: SRJC uses SharePoint as the definitive authority regarding district committee information including the CRC roster.

Please visit the District CRC SharePoint site for the most accurate committee information.

Link to SharePoint website.

Committee Function

To review and certify Title 5 course standards compliance. To assume responsibility for approval of courses to meet general education (GE) requirements for the Associate Degree, the California State University (CSU) GE pattern, and the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC). Information regarding requests for courses to be approved for GE will be included on the new course proposal forms and available for changes to existing courses. To assume responsibility for certificate program approval.

The Curriculum Review Committee (CRC) shall receive advice and recommendations from Cluster Technical Review Committee (CTRC) in each identified cluster of departments for new or revised course review with particular attention to course name, course description, numbering, hour and unit consistency, appropriateness of prerequisites and relationship to other courses in the department and in other departments.

CTRC participants are to be solicited by a Department Chair, Dean, or Supervising Administrator in each cluster. Each CTRC  must include at least one member of the CRC. All actions taken by the CRC are subject to review by the Academic Senate.